How do we celebrate
Chanukah at Hillel?
Chanukah celebrates the re-dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem after its destruction by the Syrian Greeks. The oil they found should have lasted one night, so it was a miracle it lasted eight nights.
The most familiar Chanukah food is potato pancakes, or latkes. These tasty treats remind us of the oil that lasted for eight nights.
We decorated dreidel cookies too!
All the hard work pays off when we get to eat the latkes and cookies.
Let the dreidel tournament begin.
There is a Hebrew letter embossed or printed on each of the dreidel's four sides. These four letters form the acronym of the phrase: Nes gadol hayah sham, "a great miracle happened there," a reference to the Chanukah miracle that transpired in the Land of Israel.
Spreading the Chanukah Light to others.
Mrs. Hoy's and Mrs. Sloane Brenner's Primary Class went to Friendship Village Nursing Center to sing, act our our play "Chicken Soup", do a dreidel craft, and make dreidel snacks with the residents.
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