Chicken Little
Once upon a fall day an acorn hit chicken little on the head. "The sky is falling."
So off Chicken Little went to tell the king. He went a long and met Henny Penny and a chick, Cocky Locky.
Peep Peep, Cluck Cluck, Cock-a-doodle-doo, Honk Honk, and Gooble Gooble
What Barnyard Banter.
They went along and went along and met Goosey Loosey, the goslings and Turkey Lurkey.
Along came a fox.....Oh NO!
Come into this short cut to the king. It's a dark, damp cave???
Aaaaaa-Aaaaaa Chooooooooo!!!
The End
A field trip to Aullwood Farm.
We learned about mammals, dairy farms and made butter.
A trip to Aullwood Farm
Cream comes from cows.
If you shake it and shake it, it turns to butter. YUM!
A cow has four stomachs.
Mr. Brisco brought one of his new lambs to visit.
We wrote a class paragraph about our visit to the farm.
We added descriptive words in our sentences.